
Operation Andrew Evangelism Campaign

“The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon… and he brought him to Jesus.” John 1:41-42

Through personal witnessing, worship, and works of ministry, we seek to fulfill the great commission by bringing people into relationship with Jesus Christ and equipping them to disciple others.

The tools below are designed to help you invite those you encounter in your everyday life to worship with you and experience Jesus for themselves.

You are encouraged to invite your family, friends, co-workers and neighbors to the Ray between now and our Church Anniversary on Sunday, June 25, 2023.

Digital Invitations

Download any of the digital invitations below and post, pin, tweet, or share with your family and friends on social media. You can use the sample captions and hashtags to add to your post as well!

Be My Guest Card

Operation Andrew Card

To get your Be My Guest and Operation Andrew cards, visit the Resource table in the lobby of the church OR contact the Office Manager, Henderson McKenzie at hmckenzie@rayofhope.org to have them mailed to you.

Wording Samples for Social Media Posts

  • Come sit with me on Sunday. Worship starts at 10:00 a.m.
  • Meet me at the Ray! You are invited to worship with me at the Ray on Sunday at 10:00 a.m.
  • Meet me at the Ray! I’m saving a seat for you! Let’s worship together!
  • Breaking News . . . Church is tomorrow, and we can’t wait to see you.
  • Meet me at the Ray – you’ll love it here!


#worshipattheRay #meetmeattheRay #worship@theRay #IamAndrew #operationandrew

Share Ray of Hope Christian Church Events

Click the link to access the events – https://rayofhope.org/our-events/

Share events by right clicking on the graphic to save, copy or make a QR code of the event to share.


Witnessing Styles

Invitation Suggestions

Share Jesus Without Fear

by William Fay

Church QR Code

Use to post, email
or text.